28 May 2007

Papel Ecology

The more I read Buddhist Philosophy the more I recognize Christianity. With the right Pope the Catholic Church can stay closer to the these universal principals than anyone can imagine. It looks like the Church has the right Pope.

Whispers in the Loggia: On the Environment: A VP's "Inconvenient Truth" = The Vatican's "Inescapable Reality"
The fourth Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, the 54 year-old prelate's two direct predecessors were brought back to Rome and given red hats at the end of their UN days; before Migliore's 2002 arrival, the post was held for 15 years by then-Archbishop Renato Martino, now on double duty as cardinal-president of the Pontifical Councils for Justice and Peace and Migrants and Itinerant Peoples. In a recent speech in Columbus, the Observer cited the "inescapable reality" of the "degradation" of the cosmos and offered some tips on how to combat climate change:
It comes down to "working less, wanting less, spending less," thus reducing the impact each person has on the environment,

Archbishop Celestino Migliore told participants gathered in Columbus for the second in a series of regional Catholic conversations on climate change April 14. [In the interests of context, the full quote was "In the States this movement is often expressed in terms of so-called voluntary simplicity, that is, a way of life that tends to involve patterns of working less, wanting less and spending less. In other parts of the world, it focuses on a radical criticism and opposition to the current economic and market systems."

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