02 August 2007


We are meat eaters. A lot of people think because you eat healthy you have to be vegitarians, that is far from the truth. What you do have to watch is where your meat comes from.

I can't say more than anything else but meat, the kind most of us eat, is enhanced, manipulated and man-handled. In addition to that the big American farms use an extraordinary amount of resources to raise consumable meat. Most of the grain grown in America is grown for animal feed.
The 7 billion livestock animals in the United States consume five times as much grain as is consumed directly by the entire American population
We've known the ratio of energy to pound of meat production was outrageously high for at least a decade. This energy required doesn't include the amount of water required and because of all of these factors my mother-in-law has started to avoid meat when she doesn't know whether it is grass-fed and/or free range.

Ideal Bite has some options. At the very least we need to talk to our butchers and fish mongers. Ask them where the meat comes from. Ask them if they have or can get free range and/or grass-fed meat.

I was listening to Barbara Kingsolver on Speaking of Faith and she talked about how all of these ideas of organic, locally produced, grass-fed, and what-not are considered elite eating now when just about 40 years ago they were the standard. We must get back to that. The food will be cheaper, taste better and help correct the damage done to our natural environs.

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